Its been quite cold and rainy here since yesterday… I was looking to make something with blueberries as i had half a tin of them in the fridge. I came across these delicious looking scones and thought i should just try it.
The one i came across was a mixed berry & jasmine tea scone. I still haven’t gotten used to the “jasmine” flavour in food. (Indians adorn their hair with jasmine, so it kinda feels strange to have that flavour and smell in something you eat). So i made it into a blueberry and pecan tea scones, remember i forgot to add pecans in my carrot
- All purpose flour – 170gm
- Ground Almond – 100gm
- Sugar – 55gm
- Salt – pinch
- Baking soda – 1 tablespoon
- Butter – 85gm
- Blueberries – 100-150gm
- Heavy cream – 175ml (the actual recipe needed it, since i haven’t found heavy cream here. I used the substitute that is the combination of milk and melted butter)
- Milk -150ml
- Melted butter- 40-50ml (some of this mix is also used to brush the top of the scone mix)
- Coarse sugar – to sprinkle
- Pecans – 25-50gm (cut into tiny pieces, adds an nice crunch in every bite)
Add the heavy cream, in my case the milk and the melted butter and mix it with the blender it forms a doughy texture.
Once the dough is ready to be baked, brush the top with heavy cream (in my case the milk and melted butter mix and sprinkle coarse sugar on it and bake for about 25-30 mins. Check it from about 20 minutes to see, take it out as soon as it is golden brown.
Happy baking.